Travel information about Guatemala

I had not visited the Official Tourism site of Guatemala, and I did a couple of weeks ago, truth is, It impressed me, there is a lot of information, presented in a professional way, of course, the site is from the government agency of tourism (INGUAT – Instituto Guatemalteco de Turismo), but it can give you a good idea of many of the places that you can visit, it also has some downloadable maps and guides of different places. The site is available in English and Spanish.

Click here to visit the site (opens a new window)

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2 thoughts on “Travel information about Guatemala

  1. I am trying to determine how many tourists pass through Panajachel, on average, each year. A ballpark figure is fine. Do you have this info or can you tell me where to look?



  2. The only information I could find is that there are about 3,800 beds available in Panajachel, so it would be kind of safe to say than more than 250,000 tourist visit each year, the number could be as high as double to four times of that I guess, but it is hard to tell.

    We recently had a change of government, so it is a little hard to find information in this sites right now, as they are being remodeled.

    National Institute of Statistics site is
    Travel Agency site is (this site has a list of hotels and other tourist related business in the area)

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