San Jerónimo

Hermitage and School of San Jeronimo (Royal Customs) or Ermita y Escuela de San Jerónimo (Aduana Real)
It was build in 1757. It was closed in 1761 by King Carlos III, because it was opened without authorization. and was ordered to be torn down. Because it was very good built, there was opposition to the demolition and it became Royal Customs in 1761 by request of Capitan General Ferández de Heredia. It was destroyed by earthquakes in 1773. Founded by the Order of Mercedarians It is located at Alameda de Santa Lucia and 1ra. Calle Poniente (1st West Street). Close to Handcraft and Central markets.

It is kept by the Consejo Nacional para la Protección de Antigua Guatemala (CNPAG). It is open to the public and admission is charged. In April 2010 the admission was:

  • Q40 Foreign tourists (around US$5)
  • Q20 Foreign students (around $2.5)
  • Q15 Central American tourists and students ($2)
  • Q5 Local tourists and students (less than $1)

Working hours are from 9AM to 5PM opening everyday. I takes around 45 minutes for a complete visit.

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