Flag of Guatemala

Flag of Guatemala is divided in three parts, sky blue, white and sky blue again. In the middle has the coat of arms, that includes the Quetzal, the national bird and the date of independence: September the 15th, 1821 and the word Freedom.



Sky blue color codes are Pantone 297, RBG 73, 151, 208 or 4997D0H, CMYK 64.9,27.4,0, 18.4, white is “white”.

Ratio is 5:8

Pledge to the Guatemalan Flag (translation follows)

by Guatemalan poet Alberto Velasquez

Bandera nuestra,
a tí juramos
devoción perdurable,
lealtad perenne,
honor y sacrificio y esperanza
hasta la hora de nuestra muerte.
En nombre de la sangre y de la tierra
juramos mantener tu excelsitud
sobre todas las cosas,
en los prósperos días y en los días adversos;
velar y aún morir
porque ondees perpetuamente
sobre una patria digna


Our flag
To you we pledge
Lasting devotion
Constant loyalty
Honor, sacrifice and hope
Until the time of our death.

In the name of blood and the land
We pledge to keep your highness
Over all the things,
In the prosper days and adverse days
To vigil or even die
For you to perpetually wave
Over a worthy country


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