Disclaimer and Privacy Policy

Guatemala On the Web is a private site, not related to any government or travel agency. At the moment of writing this, we do not provide direct services to any of the places, restaurants, hotels or any other company mentioned here. Any recommendations made here are made assuming you like exactly what I like (and that changes overtime) and you are responsible for your own destiny, not me. Take everything with a grain of salt, as everybody I know, believe I am crazy.

A good effort is made to keep the information as accurate as possible, but we cannot make any guarantee that the information is valid or current, as we may been misinformed, or the information could have change since it’s publication. This site gets its support from our ads and we will not be responsible for any loss, damage or anything else that happens to you because of using this site (at least I hope) or for any information sent in response to your mails or inquries, but we will do my best to provide you with the best information possible.

My main computer is usually connected to the internet, behind a firewall an at least a couple of NAT’s so your e-mail are safe (at least a little). I also keep my Anti-virus software current to avoid any problems.

I will not sell your e-mail address to anyone (not that all spammers do not know by it now) , and will use it only to respond to you.

If you are a registered user, you may receive our newsletters from time to time, and if you would like to stop receiving messages or contact me about our privacy policies, please let me know at …@guatemalaontheweb.com.

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