Happy mother´s day – May 10th

Happy Mother´s Day to all Guatemalan Mothers, and to the mothers living here, even Google  Guatemala changed it´s doodle today to celebrate Mother´s Day.  But why is it celebrated on May 10th in Guatemala, I really do not know, as I understand it is celebrated this day in Mexico, Chile, El Salvador and other countries. The only credible explanation I have found was here. And is related to the original U.S. celebrations, one made to commemorate Ann Jarvis mother, and the other by Julia Ward Howe. The date in the U.S. was later changed to the second Sunday of May, so I guess we never found out when they changed it, and now is too late.

But how it is celebrated in Guatemala? as I understand today is a official holiday for mothers only. So if you are a mother in Guatemala, you can take your day off. Most schools have a celebration on the day before mother´s day and holiday on mother´s day, or at least that is what I remember that happened when I was a kid. My old son did not have a holiday this year, the small one has a celebration today, and will rest tomorrow. So I guess there are not many strong rules of what to do today, and being a workday for anyone who is not a mother, it goes on almost as a normal day, with many women missing from work.

Happy Mother´s Day

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